Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's Your Wife's Name?

This was taken (and edited) from a Reader's Digest book.

To find your wife's name, just follow the instructions 1 to 10 and it will be accurate, guaranteed that the calculations and info put in are correct. For girls, you can find out if you'll be a particular person's wife by adding the guy's info. (Prepare a calculator or rough paper, the sums may become quite big)

1. Write down the number corresponding to the month of your birth from Table 1.

Table 1

2. Add the number corresponding to your favourite dish from Table 2.

Table 2
Any of Chinese Noodles - 8
Hamburger and Fries - 7
Ham and Eggs - 6
Chicken Rice - 5
Franks and Beans - 4
Tuna Fish Casserole - 3
Others - 9

3. Multiply the answer by ten. Then add 3 if you want the name of your future wife, 2 for your present wife, 1 for your last wife.

4. Reverse the order of the figures and subtract the result from the number you had before reversing. (eg: 521 becomes 125 on reversing, which is subtracted from 521...leaving 396)

5. Reverse this answer and add the result to the number it was before reversing. (eg: 396 becomes 693 on reversing, which is added to 396)

6. Add 423571.

7. Look up the number corresponding to the first letter of your surname in Table 3 and place it on the right hand side of the previous answer. (eg: Smith as your name, and the previous answer was 123 456,you would place the two figures corresponding to S, which are 60, on the right, giving you 12 345 660.

Table 3
A-20....... G-64.......M-42..........S-60.......Y - 86
B-40.......H-68........N-66...........T-44.......Z - 56
E-22 .......K-54........Q-90...........W-88
F-50....... L-52........R-46............X-58

8. Repeat step 7 with the next letter of your surname and continue for all the letters, in order, in your surname.

9. Halve the answer.

10. Divide the answer into groups of two figures. Each group represents a letter of your wife's name, when referred to Table 4. Thus, if the answer is 21 10 23 43, her name will be Mary.

Table 4
10 - A.......... 21 - M..........27 - K............33 - N.........44 - W
11 - E............22 - T...........28 - Z............34 - H.........45 - Q
12 - I............23 - R ..........29 - X............40 - J
13 - O...........24 - C...........30 - S............41 - P
14 - U...........25 - F ..........31 - D.............42 - V
20 - B...........26 - L...........32 - G............43 - Y

Did you get it? ;) Congrats to those who got what they wanted! I also refuse to take blame for any unsatisfactory results.